Pages 09 is the fourth version of the word processing and page layout application produced by Apple as part of the iWork 09 suite of programs. For Microsoft Word users, the move to Pages 09 may be stressful until users obtain a few basics about the program.
1. Pages can import/open documents with in the following formats:
plain text (.txt), Rich Text Format (.rtf and .rtfd), AppleWorks 6 word processing (.cwk) and Microsoft Word (.doc and .docx).
Pages preserves the original document's text, colors, layout and other formatting as much as possible.
2. Pages can export files to the following formats:
Microsoft Word (.doc), PDF, Rich Text Format (.rtf and .rtfd)
Use Share, Export or File, Export and choose the preferred format to export a Pages document.
3. The Inspector is your friend.
Choose Show, Inspector or click the Inspector in the toolbar.
Hold the mouse over any of the buttons to display the button name.
Use the following resources to learn more about Pages 09:
Atomic Learning - use
Pages 08 - the basics remain the same
With a little bit of practice you will find new features available and templates that enhance the documents you create.