Thursday, February 9, 2012

Digital Textbooks for Students by 2017

From the SETDA (State Educational Technology Director's Association) site:
February 1, 2012 FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski joined Education Secretary Arne Duncan to unveil the Obama Administration's "Digital Textbook Playbook" to accelerate the K-12 transition to digital textbooks.
The next challenge for schools ---> by 2017 provide digital textbooks to our students.  
Many schools are already exploring the digital tablet market.  In a number of Midwest schools educators are introducing tablets for a number of reasons - to differentiate curriculum, motivate and engage learners, and provide multiple types of resources (flat text, images, video) in one device to name a few.  The changes in tablet devices, apps, and digital text are constant.

We are working with a moving target.

At a time when school districts in Wisconsin are facing financial uncertainty, it would seem prudent to create a consortium of experts to work together to develop digital tools that are relevant, reliable, and cost-effective for all project participants.  Let's work to model the 21st century skills of innovation, creativity, and collaboration for our students to create the best possible foundational tools to use in teaching and learning.

Consider the following infographic predicting the future of digital textbooks: 
Graphic Source:

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Digital Storytelling Resources

A colleague (elementary library media specialist) and I were brainstorming ideas on how to introduce digital storytelling to grade 5 students.  We went through the different subject areas of the grade level, brainstorming concepts that students may have recently covered.  We searched and dug through websites trying to find one or two good examples to show to the students.  Resources to support the digital storytelling project were also high on our list so we searched for planning sheets and rubrics.

After our conversation ended, I headed back to my desk and started reading through my e-mail.  I found this reference, freshly posted, to share with her:  Engaging Learners Through Digital Storytelling.  It is amazing what comes across your desk when you least expect it.

This blog article provides resources obtained through a free online course where over 250 participants worked to create an online class portfolio.   Participants contributed information on why to do digital storytelling, shared tips on using some free digital tools, and provided a list of recommended web tools to use.  A Live Binder, Digital Storytelling for Young Learners is also available.

Education is a wonderful place to work and grow.  Working with students to help them create a learn is a rewarding experience.  Check out these resources and pick up a new tool or skill to help your students grow.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Safer Internet Day

This is the first year I have heard about Safer Internet Day, which is held on the second day of the second week of the second month each year.  February 7, 2012 is the day this year with the theme "Connecting generations and educating each other".  The focus of this international group is to promote safer and more responsible use of online resources among children.

I spent a little bit of time perusing the site.  There are quite a few videos promoting safety, kits for schools that contain logos to promote the day, informational videos, resources to use for teaching (lesson plans, posters) and links to resources by country.  The United States Safer Internet link contains activities integrating iSafe resources that help teach Internet Safety.

I am impressed to see this international effort to promote Internet safety.  Too frequently I see students get lost in content on the Internet that is clearly not for their eyes.  Unfortunately this pull to unsafe sites seems to affect the students who don't need any more chaos in their lives - students with other challenges who seek a place to belong but are doing this in an unsafe environment.

Share this site with at least one other adult and one child.  As educators we have the opportunity to change the direction of our students.  Thank you for all that you do to this end.

Just to add a little fun, here is the QR code for the site: