Thursday, April 10, 2008


What is a wiki? Wikis are websites that can be quickly edited by any visitor. Wikis are collaborative - many users are able to add to the content of the site.

Wikis are perfect for student group work, and for teachers who are working together, or who have similar interests. For instance, if one teacher starts a wiki in order to share online resources related to an adopted textbook, teachers all over the school - and all over the state even - can contribute. The more people who contribute, the greater resource the wiki becomes. Wikis are perfect for grade level teams, subject area departments, and professional learning communities because wikis can extend the conversation between face-to-face meetings.

Source Cited: Naomi Harm's - Wikis in Plain English

Other Examples:
Our tech department is beginning to use a wiki to collaborate on projects.
Our new web page will use a wiki format so teachers can post information for parents and students to retrieve. For example, school newsletters, special program notices, permission slips and worksheets could be posted on the wiki.

Professional Development Opportunities:
Free-Reading is an “open source” instructional program that helps teachers teach early reading. Because it's open source, it represents the collective wisdom of a wide community of teachers and researchers. It's designed to contain a scope and sequence of activities that can support and supplement a typical “core” or “basal” program

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