Thursday, February 21, 2008

Kidspiration Resources

Kidspiration Resources:
Inspired Sites is a website sponsored by the Kidspiration company. The site contains a collection of resources including templates, lesson plans and other activities that were developed and used in classrooms. Current links include All Subjects, Reading and Writing, Math, and Online tutorials.

Search for resources by grade level at another page within the Kidspiration website.

Fife Education, Scotland has a helpful page explaining Kidspiration.

Children's Books and Technology, a Cobb County, Georgia school district site has Kidspiration Project Ideas, Templates, How to Directions and Related Links.

The Inspired Learning Community is a place to find and share ideas about visual learning including Kidspiration resources. A Lessons and Ideas page allows users to download examples of projects.


Welcome to the G-E-T Elementary Blog. I created this blog so I can organize information and provide resources to the elementary teachers and students in our district. Feel free to add a comment or two when you get a chance.

I hope that you are able to find resources that are valuable to you.