Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spring 2008 Grade Level Meetings

  • Podcasts
  • Blogs
  • Wikis
  • New web site
  • Summer Tech Academy plans


What is a podcast?

Website reference:
Naomi Harm's Personal Learning Online 2.0 Blog with Podcasting information and resources.

Computer application - view on the computer using QuickTime or iTunes
iPod application - audio, or enhanced with video
How to Podcast: Some Tips for Starting Out
Getting Started with Podcasts - Apple Site

Prof Development - Teacher Perspective
The Teachers' Podcast - The New Generation of Educational Technology Professional Development
Teacher Created Materials Podcasts - Reading, Fluency and Comprehension podcasts

Student Uses:
Drill and practice
Test taking - read the test and save as audio file on iPod

Student produced podcasts:
Radio Willow Web - Willowdale Elementary
ColeyCast - Room 34 in Murrieta, CA
The Road She Traveled - Longfellow Middle School - La Crosse, WI
Coulee Kids Podcast - Longfellow Middle School - La Crosse, WI

Walking tours:
Our City Podcasts
National Geographic Walking Tour Podcasts

Other ideas:
Jamestown Elementary Podcasts
Famous Americans
Maybry Middle School Band
Special Education iPod demo - using an iPod with Special Education students
How to Create a Test for the iPod Video (using GarageBand 3)

Search the Internet for other ideas
The Education Podcast Network
Tips for Podcast Fans (Apple site)


What is a wiki? Wikis are websites that can be quickly edited by any visitor. Wikis are collaborative - many users are able to add to the content of the site.

Wikis are perfect for student group work, and for teachers who are working together, or who have similar interests. For instance, if one teacher starts a wiki in order to share online resources related to an adopted textbook, teachers all over the school - and all over the state even - can contribute. The more people who contribute, the greater resource the wiki becomes. Wikis are perfect for grade level teams, subject area departments, and professional learning communities because wikis can extend the conversation between face-to-face meetings.

Source Cited: Naomi Harm's - Wikis in Plain English

Other Examples:
Our tech department is beginning to use a wiki to collaborate on projects.
Our new web page will use a wiki format so teachers can post information for parents and students to retrieve. For example, school newsletters, special program notices, permission slips and worksheets could be posted on the wiki.

Professional Development Opportunities:
Free-Reading is an “open source” instructional program that helps teachers teach early reading. Because it's open source, it represents the collective wisdom of a wide community of teachers and researchers. It's designed to contain a scope and sequence of activities that can support and supplement a typical “core” or “basal” program


What are blogs?
Where can I create a blog?
What can I use a blog for?

Examples of blogs:
See Us Shine in Second Grade - give this blog a minute or two to load. It has lots of pictures.
Mrs. Pollock's Kindergarten Blog
RtI - Reader Talk - Response to Intervention
CEC Blog - Reality 101 for New Teachers (blog written by an EBD teacher)

Try searching for blogs on specific topics such as:
Reading Resources

Summer Tech Academy Plan

Gale-Ettrick-Trempealeau Instructional Technology
Summer Academy 2008

Who: Registration is open to all Gale-Ettrick-Trempealeau teachers, paraprofessionals and staff members

Tuesday, August 5
12:15 – 12:30 Welcome
12:30 - 2:00 Block A Classes
2:15 – 3:45 Block B Classes

Thursday August 7
12:15 – 12:30 Welcome
12:30 - 2:00 Block C Classes
2:15 - 3:45 Block D Classes

Where: High School Library computer labs and Galesville Elementary computer labs

G-E-T IT classes align with:
Gale-Ettrick-Trempealeau District Goal:
Provide sufficient personnel training and materials to maximize the learning environment and achievement of all students.

District Information and Technology Vision:
It is the vision of the Gale-Ettrick-Trempealeau School District that the community of students, staff and citizens will become life-long learners through the integrated use of information and technology resources as learning tools. Our school district will provide the necessary tools and resources to be effective in developing 21st century skills.

District Information Media and Technology Combined Plan Goal:
Goal 2: Provide leadership and establish resources for research-based practices to assist educators in improving units of study that integrate Wisconsin Model Academic Standards for Information & Technology Literacy and align to 21st Century Skills.

Wisconsin Teacher Standards:
Standard 4: Teachers know how to teach.
The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies, including the use of technology, to encourage children's development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
Standard 6: Teachers communicate well.
The teacher uses effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques as well as instructional media and technology to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.
Standard 10: Teachers are connected with other teachers and the community.
The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support pupil learning and well being and acts with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner.

A $50 stipend will be paid for each afternoon attended. Staff members attending a summer tech academy class will be asked to share information with colleagues at a future staff meeting.

Summer Tech Academy Planned Schedule

Day One - August 5
Intro to Leopard (the new cat in town) - 2 sessions
iLife - Multimedia Dreamland
iWork - Pages, Keynote, and Numbers
SmartBoard Classroom Applications
KidPix projects for Elementary students
Podcasting with GarageBand and iTunes
Collaboration using Google Docs
Blogging in the Classroom
LoTI – Self-Assessment for Level of Technology Integration

Day 2 - August 7
iLife - Multimedia Dreamland
iWork - Pages, Keynote, and Numbers
KidPix projects for Elementary students
Podcasting with GarageBand and iTunes
What I Forgot Over the Summer
PowerSchool Premier Overview