Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Digital Storytelling Resources

A colleague (elementary library media specialist) and I were brainstorming ideas on how to introduce digital storytelling to grade 5 students.  We went through the different subject areas of the grade level, brainstorming concepts that students may have recently covered.  We searched and dug through websites trying to find one or two good examples to show to the students.  Resources to support the digital storytelling project were also high on our list so we searched for planning sheets and rubrics.

After our conversation ended, I headed back to my desk and started reading through my e-mail.  I found this reference, freshly posted, to share with her:  Engaging Learners Through Digital Storytelling.  It is amazing what comes across your desk when you least expect it.

This blog article provides resources obtained through a free online course where over 250 participants worked to create an online class portfolio.   Participants contributed information on why to do digital storytelling, shared tips on using some free digital tools, and provided a list of recommended web tools to use.  A Live Binder, Digital Storytelling for Young Learners is also available.

Education is a wonderful place to work and grow.  Working with students to help them create a learn is a rewarding experience.  Check out these resources and pick up a new tool or skill to help your students grow.

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